Precedents database
2.6 Reporting – AQU – Partial compliance (2017) Publication of ex-ante reports with negative decision
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 16/11/2017 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of ex-ante reports with negative decision Panel conclusion Substantial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “In its last renewal decision (of 1/12/2012), the Register Committee flagged for attention AQU’s policy of not publishing negative validation reports, as well as the readability of reports for their target audience, in particular students and potential students.The Register Committee noted that AQU has made efforts to offer consistent, structured, and helpful reports of its quality assurance activities to a larger public through a number of portals with outcomes translated in Spanish and English.The Register Committee further noted that AQU publishes all reports except those from ex-ante evaluations that result in a negative accreditation decision.AQU explained that publishing these reports would have a negative impact on universities and society. In its statement to the review report, AQU further added that, since these programmes can not be offered by universities, it would be confusing for readers to find information on a course that will never exist.The Register Committee considered the agency’s explanations, but underlined that according to its Policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG (p. 7) all reports should be published, including any formal decisions based on these reports, irrespective of the outcomes of such reports.While the Register Committee acknowledged AQU’s efforts to improve the readability and accessibility of reports for its target audience the Committee concluded that the flag has only been partially addressed, since AQU still does not publish all reports. ”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ANQA – Partial compliance (2017) Publication of the reports of the pilot programme accreditations
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 20/06/2017 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of the reports of the pilot programme accreditations Panel conclusion Full compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (17/03/2025)
RC decision Partial compliance “The Register Committee noted that the reports of the pilot programme accreditations were not published on ANQA's website. The Committee sought clarification from the panel as to how it viewed the non-publication of those reports. The review panel noted that these pilots “were organised under supervision of other EQAR registered QA agencies and therefore the responsibility of these other QA agencies”, without, however, mentioning the agencies and addressing whether or not the reports were published by them. The Register Committee, however, noted that both ANQA's self-evaluation report and the external review report repeatedly state that ANQA had implemented the pilot accreditations. The Committee was therefore not persuaded by the panel's point of view that ANQA had no responsibility for the publication of these reports.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ASHE – Partial compliance (2017) Publication of reports of initial accreditation
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 20/06/2017 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of reports of initial accreditation Panel conclusion Substantial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “In its decision to admit ASHE to the Register, the Register Committee had flagged the accessibility and readability of ASHE reports. The Committee noted that ASHE took several steps to enhance the accessibility and readability of its report during the past five years, including the publication of summary reports. The Register Committee therefore concluded that the flag has been addressed. The review panel noted that reports of initial accreditation procedures are not published. The review panel considered that these reports “serve as a base for the ministerial decision to admit the HEI or programme to be established and that therefore these reports do not carry information directly addressed to the general public” (report p. 40) and that in case of a negative decision “the HEI or programme concerned will not be launched and so there is no tangible public interest in reading these reports” (idem). The Register Committee, however, considered that the standard clearly requires the publication of all external quality assurance reports. Even if the reports' addressee is the ministry, there is a clear public interest in the basis of ministerial decisions being public and transparent.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – IQAA – Partial compliance (2017) Publication of negative reports
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 20/06/2017 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of negative reports Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “The panel noted that IQAA’s regulations regarding the publication of results from accreditation reviews were not entirely clear and consistent. Whereas some provisions stated that all reports and decisions would be published, others stated that only reviews leading to a positive decision were being published. The panel found that in case of a negative decision on accreditation, neither reports nor outcomes are published. In addition, the panel noted that discrepancies exist between the information available on the Russian and English languages websites. In its statement on the review report, the agency announced that it had recently published all expert review reports and decisions of the Accreditation Council and that it had updated its regulations to explicitly outline that all review reports are published irrespective of their outcomes. The Register Committee could, however, not verify the statement of the agency that also negative decisions would be published, using the link provided.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – AAQ – Partial compliance (2016) Publication of negative reports
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by GAC Decision of 03/12/2016 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of negative reports Panel conclusion Substantial compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (17/03/2025)
RC decision Partial compliance “The external review report pointed out that, based on the legal framework in Switzerland, AAQ considered that the publication of the full accreditation report, even with a positive result, would require the consent of the higher education institution concerned.The report considered that – thus far – AAQ was able to agree upon the publication of reports with the higher education institutions on an individual case basis, through corresponding passage in the contracts; it had the express support of the Board of swissuniversities in doing so.
The report further notes that “AAQ currently has no option to effect the publication of negative decisions” (p. 37-38).The external review panel took the view that nothing stood in the way of publishing all reports in full, given that the applicable law included an indirect reference to the ESG and, at the same time, no explicit provision that forbids the publication of full reports.[...]. The panel noted (see letter of 3/11/16) that the possibility of a report not being published was “at the moment a mere theoretical one”, and that AAQ seemed to “avoid discussions of legal theory as long as all works well”. The Register Committee considered that in practice all positive reports are published. It welcomed the agreement of swissuniversities to that effect, while noting that it constitutes a political and not a legally binding commitment.Considering the panel report, clarification and – most importantly – AAQ's own statement, the Register Committee found no evidence that AAQ would interpret the law as suggested by the panel, or refuse to enter a contract with a higher education institution that does not agree to the publication of the report.The Register Committee therefore concluded that there is a possibility – even though theoretical – that a higher education institution may refuse the publication of the accreditation report.
The Committee also noted that the existing arrangements do not affect procedures resulting in a negative decision.
The Register Committee therefore concluded that AAQ’s practice did not change compared to the time when it was admitted (then as OAQ) to the Register, and the issue of publication of reports was flagged for future attention.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ACCUEE – Partial compliance (2023) ex-post accreditation, Technical Committee, experts reports
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 03/03/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords ex-post accreditation, Technical Committee, experts reports Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (13/02/2023)
RC decision Partial compliance “10. The Register Committee noted that the responsibility for the preparation of the external review reports for the monitoring and ex-post accreditation of study programmes is with the Technical Committees.
11. The Register Committee noted that the experts’ site-visit reports were not part of the final external review report and they were only available for the analysis of the Technical Committees. The Register Committee could not understand why the experts reports (in the case of the monitoring and ex-post accreditation of study programmes) is not published as well and therefore asked the panel for further clarification.
12. The panel explained (see minuted clarification 2023-02-13) that the practice of having a committee develop these reports is common among all Spanish QA agencies and it ensures the consistency of reports.
13. The Register Committee further asked the panel to clarify the forms of factual and non-factual allegations made by institutions on the reports of the Technical Committees. The panel explained (see minuted clarification) that the allegations have always been focused on the technical part of the reports (factual comments). However, the panel added that the agency should clearly differentiate within its procedure that the allegations deal only with factual errors and do not address diverging views and opinions on the statements and assessments taken in the report.
14. While the Register Committee welcomed the use of a Technical Committee to ensure consistency, the Register Committee could not follow the reasoning of not including or separately publishing such reports (i.e. as an annex). The Register Committee underlined that it can be of interest for the public to know the basis on which the final reports are being developed. In particular, such information is important to ensure the transparency in the Technical Committee’s decision making.
15. The Register Committee therefore could not follow the panel’s conclusion on the compliance with the standard, but concluded that ACCUEE complies only partially with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – NVAO – Compliance (2023) readability of reports, delay in publication
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 03/03/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords readability of reports, delay in publication Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (10/02/2023)
RC decision Compliance “18. In its previous renewal decision, the Register Committee stressed the delay in NVAO’s publication of reports and noted issues related to the readability of reports.
19. The panel’s findings show that NVAO has since its last review introduced instructions and templates for reporting and that the readability of submitted initial assessment reports is also checked by NVAO. The panel further confirmed that the publication of reports was done without any more significant delays, but suggested setting up an automatic uploading system of NVAO-NL reports (as it is done for NVAO-FL).
20. The Register Committee welcomed the improvements in the agency’s reporting and concurred with the panel’s conclusion that NVAO now complies with the standard 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ANECA – Partial compliance (2023) reports, publication
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 03/03/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords reports, publication Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (17/02/2023)
RC decision Partial compliance “14. The panel reported that all reports from programme evaluations were now published on ANECA’s website in a more extensive format; for SIC, AUDIT and AUDIT INTERNATIONAL the agency published the full expert reports.
17. The panel further explained (see clarification) that in programme evaluations the external review reports are prepared by ANECA’s Committees, based on the initial experts’ reports and following the multiple-stage process that is described in the review report. For SIC, AUDIT and AUDIT international procedures the panel noted that ANECA did not have the same practice and specific committees preparing external review reports, but instead considered the full experts’ reports as final report.
18. Having thus considered the report and the clarification, the Committee concluded that the two step approach, where the external review reports are prepared by internal specialised committees, might mean that the full content of the reports prepared by the panel would not be publicly known. Further, the Committee could not, based on the evidence provided by the panel, identify "before" and "after" examples of programme evaluation reports, and hence understand what "more extensive" might mean in practice, and was therefore unable to concur with the panel assessment of compliance.
19. The Committee therefore concluded that ANECA is not living up to the intentions of standard 2.6 which states that "full reports by the experts should be published”. Therefore, the Register Committee concluded that ANECA only partially complies with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ECCE – Partial compliance (2023) Publication of Accreditation Decisions
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 30/06/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of Accreditation Decisions Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (15/02/2023)
RC decision Partial compliance “17. The Register Committee noted that the decisions of the Quality Assurance & Accreditation Committee’s (QAAC) are published only in the form of the accreditation period being presented on the web page listing accredited programmes ( The list contains links to the expert review reports, but not to the QAAC decision as a separate document or similar.
18. The standard requires that “if the agency takes any formal decision based on the reports, the decision should be published together with the report”.The Register Committee assumed that a written record of the QAAC decision presumably exists in some form, either as a document sent to the accredited programme or as section in the QAAC minutes. The review panel clarified that it was not aware of the QAAC decision being available a separate document.
19. In its additional representation the agency stated that what is published on its website i.e., the dates of when the institution was first accredited, the most recent decision and the date of when the accreditation runs out represent, next to the generic statement on its website - that a programme meets ECCE’s criteria and standards for accredited status - represents its decision.
20. The Register Committee underlined that the standard aims to ensure reliable documentation and transparency of the agency's outcomes and the mere publication of the date of the accreditation does not suffice.
21. The Committee further disagrees with the agency’s claim that its objection are technical in nature. The Committee emphasised that QAAC decisions are not recorded in writing at all (beyond the dates cited on the web page) and that ECCE does not provide any information to the public on e.g., when such a decision was taken, the basis of QAAC’s decision making, the rationale for QAAC in agreeing/disagreeing with the findings of the panel or any recording of a possible conflict of interests with the institution applying for ECCE accreditation.
22. The Register Committee therefore could not concur with the panel’s conclusion that ECCE complies with the standard, but found ECCE to be only partially compliant.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – PKA – Partial compliance (2024) publication of reports
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 04/04/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords publication of reports Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (04/10/2023)
RC decision Partial compliance “20. In the past decision, the Register Committee noted that reports of its initial (ex-ante) programme evaluation/opinion-giving process were not published. In its recent review, the panel confirmed that all “expert reports and resolutions of the opinion giving process are now published and available on PKA’s website”.
21. While the Committee noted that PKA has published all decisions from the initial (ex-ante) programme evaluation/opinion-giving process, the Register Committee however found that such decisions did (in particular after July 2020) not include full reports. Given the missing number of a large number of full reports the Register Committee sought further clarifications from the review panel. The panel explained that they understood there was a delay in the publication of reports but that the statutory requirement is for PKA to publish all reports. This reassured the panel that the earlier concern regarding the publication of reports was resolved.
22. Given that PKA has not published all reports from its opinion giving process, the Register Committee found that the earlier concern has not been addressed.
23. In its representation, PKA provided information on the planned changes in its provisions to ensure publishing all reports from its opinion-giving processes. PKA explained that it would be possible to publish all reports from its opinion giving process without the need to wait for information from the Minister regarding their final decision through these changes.
24. Furthermore, in its additional documentation provided on 2024-03-28 PKA informed of its statutory changes where the planned changes have been done.
25. The Register Committee welcomed the actions taken by PKA. However, these changes in the provisions remain to be considered and reviewed by an external review panel to determine whether the changes have been properly implemented.
26. The Register Committee therefore could not concur with the review panel’s conclusion, and found that PKA complies only partially with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – AIC – Partial compliance (2023) publication of decisions
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 12/12/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords publication of decisions Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “23. The panel’s analysis shows that AIC does publish full reports of the experts panels for its procedures ‘Accreditation of higher education institution’, ‘Assessment and accreditation of a study field’, ‘Licensing of study programme’ and ‘Accreditation of study programmes abroad’.
24. The Register Committee further noted however, that these published reports and the decision letter do not reflect the additional elements which have been provided and taken into consideration after the site visit nor the additional tasks given to the higher education institution.
25. The Register Committee could not find any new supporting evidence to AIC’s position in the additional representation. Both from the panel’s report and the AIC website, it was clear that only the duration of accreditation terms is published, while the full decisions are not published together with the reports.
26. The Register Committee therefore concludes that there is no sufficient transparency in AIC’s reporting processes and therefore concurs with the panel’s conclusion of partial compliance.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ARACIS – Partial compliance (2023) reports sometime lacking depth of analysis, expert reports not always publlshed
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 12/12/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords reports sometime lacking depth of analysis, expert reports not always publlshed Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “7. The Register Committee noted from the panel’s analysis that the central part of the agency’s reports appears to be merely a check list “occasionally lacking depth of analysis and evidence-based material”. The panel further raised concerns with regards to the accessibility of reports on the ARACIS website, which the panel found somewhat challenging to navigate.
8. The Committee further noted that in the case of doctoral study programmes, study domain accreditation and study domain authorisation ARACIS does not publish the experts’ final proposals for decision. The Committee does not understand why the final proposal for decision/expert conclusion is left out, in particular since this is included in all other external quality assurance activities of ARACIS. The Register Committee underlined that this approach affects the transparency of the agency’s decision making processes in the case of third cycle reviews.
9. The Committee also found that for some of its external QA activities the agency had changed its approach from publishing the full expert report to only publishing a short excerpt of the expert report i.e., the second cycle study domain accreditation reports only include up to a one page excerpt from the expert review report. The Register Committee underlined that it can be of public interest to know the basis on which the final reports are being developed, and that the publication (at least as annex) of the full reports is important to ensure the transparency in the decision-making of the Council.
10. Based on the above raised concerns, the Register Committee could not follow the panel’s conclusion of compliance and therefore concluded that ARACIS complies only partially with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – SAAHE – Compliance (2023) publication of reports
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 12/12/2023 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords publication of reports Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) Agency (28/11/2023)
RC decision Compliance “9. The panel reported that it could not identify any clear links where the decisions and the evaluation reports of the review panels are being published on the agency’s website.
10. The Register Committee sought further clarification from the agency (see minuted clarification) in order to understand the agency’s practice regarding the publication of reports and decision.
11. The agency explained (and presented) how the reports are being published on its website i.e. via links within a document uploaded on its website each time a new report is finalised. SAAHE further explained that the agency also publishes, the applications and self-assessment reports of higher education institutions undergoing review procedures. The agency is aware that the current way of publishing reports and decision is not ideal but explained that it was hesitant in making any changes during its review process.
12. The Register Committee sought further clarification on the lack of published reports in 2022 and
13. The agency explained that following a change in legislation, in 2021, all higher education institutions are required to undergo institutional accreditation and had to apply for such a review by the end of
2022. The agency clarified that while all 33 higher education institutions are have applied for an institutional accreditation, at the moment no procedure has yet been finalised. A pending decision by SAAHE’s Executive Board is expected in February 2024.(see minuted clarification)
14. Having considered the report and the clarification by the agency, the Committee concluded that despite the difficulty in accessing the links of published reports, that SAAHE has been publishing full reports and decisions on its website. The Register Committee underlined the recommendation by the panel to ensure the publishing of reports and decisions in a more accessible and informative way than the current practice.
15. The Register Committee noted that the agency is expected to inform the Register once it has concluded its first institutional accreditation procedure.
16. Having considered the review report and the clarification by the agency, the Register Committee was unable to concur with the panel’s judgement of partial compliance, and concluded that SAAHE complies with ESG 2.6.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – Unibasq – Partial compliance (2024) Publication of reports with negative outcomes, publication of expert panel reports
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 04/04/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of reports with negative outcomes, publication of expert panel reports Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “8. In its previous decision for renewal of registration on EQAR (of 11-05- 2019), Unibasq was found to be partially compliant with the standard as it did not publish reports of its ex-ante accreditation resulting with a negative outcome. From the report, the Register Committee learned that the agency now publishes these reports too.
9. The Register Committee further learned that the preliminary and final review reports shared with the higher education institutions and the public do not include the expert panel reports; these reports are only available to the Unibasq’s Committees.
10. The Register Committee found that the agency addressed the concerns raised in its earlier decision regarding the publication of negative reports from its ex ante accreditation procedure. It, however, shared the panel’s concerns that the agency does not fully comply with this standard because of the lack of transparency regarding the expert panel reports.
11. The Register Committee therefore concurred with the panel’s conclusion and found that the agency remains partially compliant with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – CTI – Compliance (2024) Publication of full reports
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 02/07/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords Publication of full reports Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “10. In the previous decision for renewal of registration (of 2019-11-05), the Register Committee found CTI to be partially compliant with the standard as it only published summary of evaluation reports which lacked important details from the full reports.
11. From the external review report, the Register Committee learned that a new template, which includes the full report, was introduced. Furthermore the Committee understood from the analysis of the panel, since 2019, CTI started publishing in full all of its reports.
12. Having addressed the earlier concern regarding publication of full reports, the Register Committee concurred with the panel’s conclusion and found that the agency now complies with the standard. The Committee, however, underlined the panel’s recommendations that the agency ensures that the reports are more analytical, their clarity and soundness are improved as well as their visibility on the agency's website.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.6 Reporting – ACCUA – Compliance (2024) publication of reports, negative
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 27/11/2024 Standard 2.6 Reporting Keywords publication of reports, negative Panel conclusion Compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “7. In its previous decision, the Register Committee found the agency to be partially compliant due to the lack of publication of reports with negative results of its ex-ante verification of study programmes.
8. The Register Committee learned that ACCUA now publishes reports with negative and positive results of all evaluations processes except for reviews of universities for recognition on its website. From the report, the Committee learned that these reviews only occur by a request from the regional ministry and are sporadic. The Committee further understood that the agency is not authorised to publish the reports as this is in the remit of the regional parliament.
9. Given the improvements made in publication of the negative reports, the Register Committee could concur with the panel that the agency now complies with the standard. The Register Committee, nevertheless, highlighted the panel’s recommendation that the agency should raise the issue with the publication of the results of the reviews of universities for recognition with the regional authorities to ensure that these reports are made available to the public.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.5 Criteria for outcomes – SKVC – Partial compliance (2022) lack of consistency, unclear understanding of multi-level compliance scale
Application Renewal Review Targeted, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 25/10/2022 Standard 2.5 Criteria for outcomes Keywords lack of consistency, unclear understanding of multi-level compliance scale Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “8.The panel considered that SKVC's criteria are lacking clarity, especially with regard to the exact understanding of the 5-level scale used by SKVC. The panel recommended developing guidelines for interpretation of each level to enhance consistency of their use.
9.The Committee understood that the current situation as described and analysed by the panel might lead to a lack of consistency.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.5 Criteria for outcomes – AHPGS – Compliance (2020) transparency of criteria
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 16/03/2020 Standard 2.5 Criteria for outcomes Keywords transparency of criteria Panel conclusion Full compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Compliance “29. The Register Committee took note of the panel's analysis that the criteria are well-documented in AHPGS' handbooks and are interpreted in a consistent manner.
30. Despite some room for improvement identified by the panel in that the Handbooks could be more detailed, the Register Committee considered that the flag was addressed and concurred with the panel's conclusion that AHPGS complies with the standard.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.5 Criteria for outcomes – SQAA – Compliance (2019) clarity of the criteria for assessment
Application Renewal Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 03/04/2019 Standard 2.5 Criteria for outcomes Keywords clarity of the criteria for assessment Panel conclusion Substantial compliance Clarification request(s) Panel (15/03/2019)
RC decision Compliance “Following the review panel's analysis that SQAA's criteria for assessment were not always clear and left room for interpretation, the Register Committee sought and received clarification from the panel on its conclusion as to the present standard. The Register Committee understood that SQAA's criteria were by and large perceived as clear, and that these remarks related to some – but not all or the majority of – criteria. It became clear that the panel's findings were more nuanced than the language might have suggested.”
Full decision: see agency register entry
2.5 Criteria for outcomes – EAEVE – Partial compliance (2018) consistency in decision making
Application Initial Review Full, coordinated by ENQA Decision of 13/06/2018 Standard 2.5 Criteria for outcomes Keywords consistency in decision making Panel conclusion Partial compliance Clarification request(s) – RC decision Partial compliance “The Register Committee took note of the panel's analysis that the evidence in the report body does not always match the conclusion as to compliance with certain standards, and that it was not always possible to track all the information required by the standards in the text of the reports. The Register Committee understood that this might in part be a result of the duplication caused by the “add-on” way of incorporating the ESG.”
Full decision: see agency register entry