Karl Dittrich is Chair of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), a position from which he will retire in October 2017.
Register Committee
The Register Committee receives, evaluates and decides upon applications for inclusion on the Register or renewal of registration, substantive change reports and third-party complaints. The Committee is also responsible for adopting Procedures for Applications in consultation with the General Assembly.

The Register Committee comprises 11 members with experience in quality assurance and higher education who act as independent experts and in their individual capacity.
Each Founding Member (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE) nominates two members of the Register Committee and one member is nominated by each Social Partner Member (BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International).
The Register Committee is approved by the General Assembly for a mandate of two years, and a member may be renominated up to three times.
The Register Committee is chaired by the President; it elects a Vice-Chair from amongst its members. The Committee normally convenes twice a year.
The following members compose the fourth Register Committee, with a mandate until 30 June 2019:

Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda
Maria Arminda Bragança was member of the National Council of Education from 1992-1997 and from 2009-2013 and has integrated different Working Groups and Committees: Higher Education, Research and Scientific Culture, Public Policies and Development of Educational System.

Andrea Blättler
Andrea Blättler is a Master student in political theory at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany and has positions as student research assistant at Technische Universität Darmstadt and at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.

Freddy Coignoul
Freddy Coignoul is Professor Emeritus and Honorary Vice-rector of the University of Liège in Belgium.

Riita Pyykkö
Riitta Pyykkö is Vice Rector of the University of Turku, Finland. In this capacity, she is responsible for academic affairs, as well as quality management.

Anita Līce
Anita Līce is Manager of the Education and Employment Field at the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) where she has been working since 2010, representing interests of employers of Latvia on the national and international level.

Mindaugas Misiunas
Mindaugas Misiunas has been director of Kauno kolegija (University of Applied Sciences in Lithuania), a state-owned institution providing higher education in the areas of technologies, social sciences, biomedicine, humanities and arts, since 2000.

Izabela Suika
Izabela Suika has been working for the Polish Accreditation Committee since 2002, where she is a Deputy Director responsible for international relations.

Beate Treml
Beate Treml is a Master student in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the University of Graz, Austria, from which she received her BA in Economics in 2010.
Steffen Westergard Andersen
Steffen Westergard Andersen is Director of Operations in the Danish Accreditation Institution.
Representatives of five governmental members, elected by the General Assembly, attend the meetings of the Register Committee as Observers. Presently these are:
- Belgium (Flemish Community), represented by Vicky Vanruysseveldt
- France, represented by Hélène Lagier
- Germany, represented by Michael Lehmann
- Greece, represented by Panagiota Dionysopoulou
- Liechtenstein, represented by Daniel Miescher