Annual update on the external QA activities of EQAR-registered agencies

EQAR carries out an annual monitoring of the registered agencies’ external QA activities e.g. evaluation, accreditation, audit. The update provides a regular overview of the scope and volume of EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies’ activities, at home and across borders.

Registered agencies have been requested to provide an annual update on the number of reviews completed, broken down by countries since 2015.

Volume of registered quality assurance agencies' activities, at home and across borders:

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Examining the external QA activities over the past three years, a number of trends were observed:

  • QA agencies have increased their programme level external QA activities by 9% compared to 2014, and by 3% compared to 2015.
  • The external quality assurance of joint programmes registered a significant decrease in the past years, by 54% compared to 2014 and by 21% compared to 2015.
  • The cross-border EQA activities registered an increase of 29% in their total number compared to 2014 and a 35% increase compared to 2015.