Verification of eligibility

Agencies applying for inclusion on the Register (or renewal of registration) need to undergo an eligibility check before initiating their external review.

The eligibility requirements cover two main dimensions: the external quality assurance activities of the applicant and the external review process.

In the initial step of the application quality assurance agencies need to undergo an eligibility verification (see Application Forms and Documents) to determine:

  • if and which of the applicant’s type of activities fall under the scope of the ESG and
  • whether the planned external review adheres to all requirements.

The ESG cover reviews, audits, evaluations or accreditations of higher education institutions or programmes that relate to learning and teaching in higher education, including the learning environment and relevant links to research and innovation. All such external quality assurance activities are considered pertinent to registration, regardless of whether they are obligatory or voluntary.

As part of the verification of eligibility the applicant is expected to submit a draft of the terms of reference for the planned external review to be agreed between the applicant and the review coordinator. The terms of reference should specify:

  • the purpose of the external review,
  • that the review will be used for an application for (or renewal of) inclusion on EQAR
  • the composition of the review panel
  • outline key steps in the review process.

Next step -> External Review