AEQES - Agence pour l'Evaluation de la Qualité de l'Enseignement Supérieur

Information on the agency's work

Since 2008, AEQES is responsible for assessing the quality of all HE
diploma (EQF 5), bachelor (EQF 6) and master programmes (EQF 7) of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF). Moreover, since 2019, AEQES is also responsible for the institutional evaluations of the HEIs that are
recognised by the WBF government.
Both evaluation formats follow a 6 year-cycle, including a mid-term progress record.
The focus is on quality‐enhancement (AEQES Decree 2008: no accreditation, no impact on funding).
AEQES implements regular collaboration with other agencies (Cti, MusiQuE).

Activities within the scope of ESG

Higher education systems where AEQES carried out external QA activities

Contact details