Report summary
The Sociology study program enables graduates to obtain the title of Doctor of Science.
The institute has excellent research, educational and spatial capacities, which are used
accordingly to the quality development of the study program, and meets the requirements
of the assessed areas in all standards. The study program is updated, obtaining information
for the self-evaluation report is carried out in various ways, both formally and informally,
which is appropriately described in the documentation. The information gathered serves as
a starting point for updating the subject and adapting it to the requirements of teachers
and students. The quality circle for this study program is closed. Students express
satisfaction with the study, work and responsiveness of mentors and teachers, the
conditions of study, and responsiveness and the quality of professional services of the
faculty. When we talk about the needs of students, we must take into account that there
14 are relatively few students who, according to their previous education, the scientific
environment in which they were formed and the national educational context in which they
were educated, as well as selected topics of their dissertations, are a heterogeneous group
to which the institute adapts as much as possible. The study is highly interdisciplinary,
which can lead to a shift of focus from discipline (sociology), so care must be taken not to
lose this focus. Changes to the study program are related mainly to the adaptation of the
theoretical part of the program. The institute provides students and teachers with a wide
range of scientific research projects in which they can participate, as well as many
opportunities for exchange. All mentors meet the minimum research criteria. Lecturers and
students work extensively with domestic and foreign institutions that provide quality study.
The literature prescribed in the curricula of the subjects has been updated and is located
in the library of the institute, the institute with its information infrastructure is appropriately
adapted to current needs. An individual approach, provided by all stakeholders (including
students), enables prompt, fast, direct and efficient resolution of all problems and
complications. The institute successfully communicates with all stakeholders through
various channels.