Report summary
It was recognized that the institute has established a system for monitoring the quality of
evaluation of the implementation and updating of the study program. It has been sensed
the involvement of all key stakeholders in the quality monitoring system. They also strive
for continuous quality improvement by involving international experts in the process of
updating the study program. The possibility of improvement was proposed by establishing
a systematic recording of proposals for the modernization of the study program, obtained
from informal sources and their inclusion in the self-evaluation report. The involvement of
all representatives of the educational process in the adoption of measures to improve
quality and their implementation was perceived. In events related to education / awareness
of the quality of the study process organized by the institution, it is important to involve
all stakeholders involved in this process. The institute also has a good system for
monitoring and communicating measures for the development and improvement of the
study program, and the institute has good connections with the international environment.
A stimulating and inclusive project-research activity for students was introduced.
Connecting with foreign higher education teachers enables the efficient transfer of
knowledge and the provision of an appropriate research infrastructure abroad. Studentcentered studies are available at the institution. The accessibility of higher education
teachers and associates to doctoral students is very commendable. Regarding the criteria
for election to the title, it is worth considering setting higher criteria than the minimum
required for election to the title, which will certainly have a positive effect on the quality of
doctoral studies. We also suggest preparing a monthly e-newsletter for employees with
professional and popular content. The institute's positive response to the proposed
opportunities confirms its commitment to improving quality on the way to the desired