Report summary
The evaluation of the University of Nova Gorica (UNG) for the extension of the accreditation
of a higher education institution was carried out by a group of experts in accordance with
the recommendations, criteria and criteria set by the National Agency of the Republic of
Slovenia for Quality in Higher Education.
The UNG audit was performed in four areas: Operation of the higher education institution,
Staff, Students and Material conditions. The visit was intended to evaluate the institution
as a whole and its members / faculties. The second visit to the university in the autumn of
2021 will also focus on individual study programs, when we will also assess the area of
Internal Quality Assurance and Improvement, Modification, Update and Implementation of
Study Programs. The four areas assessed include 17 standards. In 11 quality standards,
UNG meets quality standards without non-compliance, in four quality standards we found
partial compliance, and in two non-compliance with quality standards.
We found non-compliance with quality standards in the field of operation of the higher
education institution, mainly related to the internal way of organizing UNG and the
involvement of all necessary stakeholders in the management and development of the
activities of the higher education institution. It is a way of organizing and operating student
councils, academic councils and the UNG Senate. We also identified shortcomings in
ensuring the quality loop, as certain inconsistencies in the evaluation of the institute seven
years ago have still not been eliminated.
We have also identified some partial inconsistencies, for which we recommend that UNG
also pay close attention to them. These are mainly UNG's habilitation criteria, the
realization of UNG's mission and vision, the workload on certain professional associates,
who must also provide support to the study process, and the absence of a formal system
for submitting student complaints.
In identifying the benefits, we focused on the most evident strengths of UNG, listing a total
of 20, but there are certainly more. UNG is an excellent and reputable research and
educational university both in Slovenia and internationally. Especially in the field of
research, they achieve excellent results in terms of their size, and their structure of
financial resources also shows excellence in obtaining funds for research work. UNG is an
above-average faculty in Slovenian higher education area in terms of the number of foreign
students and staff. They have a unique internal organization that enables good
communication between members and greater flexibility in making and implementing
decisions and carrying out activities. The ratio between the number of students and staff
is favourable. Students are above average satisfied with the study process, the quality and
responsiveness of the teaching staff and the system of practical training. The same applies
to the library's infrastructure and services, with an open and freely accessible repository
in particular.
Regardless of the many advantages of UNG, we have highlighted over 40 opportunities for
improvement, which UNG can use for further development and quality of the institution.
These opportunities apply to virtually all assessment standards, highlighting a more
systematic definition and pursuit of strategic and short-term goals, strengthening
cooperation with the economy along with providing the necessary knowledge transfer
mechanisms, strengthening the Career Center and Alumni, introducing annual interviews
with employees to monitor their careers. providing more training for employees, especially
non-pedagogical, more effective promotion of study programs, etc.
At this point, the members of the group would like to thank all those who made sure that
the five-day visit to UNG took place at a very high level: Nataša Kramar, Gregor Rebernik
and Klemen Å ubic - Nakvis experts, UNG management led by Rector prof. dr. Danilo
Zavrtanik and all other stakeholders for constructive cooperation in interviews.