Report summary
The Academy of Dance has been in operation since 2008. From 2013 to 2016, the
institution was dormant, but in the academic year 2016/17, the first generation of
students was enrolled again under the auspices of the Alma Mater. Currently, it runs a
1st level Bachelor's degree programme in Dance, Choreography, which is divided into 6
courses (Contemporary Dance, Social Dance, Competitive ST/LA Dance, Jazz, Ballet and
Urban Dance). It also runs a 2nd level Master's degree programme in Dance Arts Studies,
which is divided into 3 courses (Dance Arts Theory, Contemporary Choreographic
Practices and Dance Pedagogy).
On the basis of a review of the documentation received and the interviews carried out,
the Panel of Experts concluded that the Higher Education Institution - Academy of Dance
is operating in accordance with the applicable criteria.
The higher education institution is the first accredited institution in Slovenia in its field. It
is the only one to provide academic education at a level comparable to other fields of art
and to build a distinctive scientific research programme in the humanities. Even though it
does not have a concession, which severely limits the number of students and the
number of curricula delivered, the Institute is professionally motivated and sovereign,
and is continuously developing, renewing and expanding its curriculum, including by
opening new courses of study. Another great advantage is the link with the parent Alma
Mater Europaea, which lends the Institute its equipment, staff and professional services,
enabling the Academy to further develop its activitiesThe institution's bodies are in line with the legislation and allow for an adequate
representation of stakeholders in the The Dance Academy's bodies and the exercise of
their rights and obligations. In practice, it appears that the members of the Student
Council are not sufficiently actively involved and aware of their role in the functioning of
the institution and need to be strengthened in this respect.
Given the small size of the institution and the daily presence of students in the study
process, information is largely up-to-date and direct, and the close communication
between teaching staff, students and also the management stands out as a positive
feature, allowing problems to be solved in a timely manner. If the scope of the teaching
work expands, a more systematic organisation of information is likely to be needed. The
Academy of Dance takes due account of the diversity of students and their needs and
offers them different types of support.
The Academy of Dance has provided a list of the higher education teachers who are
expected to participate in the study process and who have been elected to the
appropriate habilitation title, with the corresponding field of election, according to the
subject. An important part of the quality of the study programme is represented by the
many expert guest lecturers who are top artists in their field. In the next period, in the
process of expansion, it would be useful to recruit more teaching staff with relevant
competences and to encourage artistic collaborators to apply for the habilitation degree.
The Panel notes that AP has a strong artistic activity. All the projects provide a quality
basis for arts education. In the field of scientific, research and professional activities, the
Academy of Dance is still developing - but at the same time we note that they have a
good basis for further development of the discipline, as there is a considerable lack of
dance studies in Slovenia. The weight of events and festivals is appropriate and ensures
the development of the profession.
The faculty has provided appropriate evidence showing that it currently has adequate
material conditions related to the implementation of the study process, in accordance
with the criteria. As enrolments increase, the need for more work, rehearsal and
performance space will also need to be addressed, and the Dance Academy is already
working on this. The higher education institution has adequately equipped premises with
modern IT equipment for the teaching process.
The internal quality system promotes scientific, professional, and artistic research
through formal interviews, surveys, thematic meetings, daily conversation and influences
activities through strategic and annual plans.
The panel of experts that evaluated the autonomous higher education institution
Academy of Dance concluded that the institution meets the criteria for regular
renewal of accreditation. We suggest that the Academy of Dance integrates the
opportunities for improvement given in a meaningful way into its operations.