Report summary
Comprehensive SERs require the preparation of quality summaries to facilitate access to
information for all stakeholders in the university. The self-evaluation report and its
summary should include clear information on the results of measures from previous reports
that address limitations and weaknesses. Not all faculty stakeholders are included in the
self-evaluation process, and it was also noted that not all stakeholders are informed about
the SEP and its findings. Stakeholders - especially students - need to be better informed
of faculty quality assurance processes and Quality Loop. Activities through which the
faculty would raise awareness of the importance of the quality culture and adequately
inform stakeholders about the Quality Loop procedures and processes would be necessary.
The self-evaluation report does not give a direct link between the identified weaknesses as
well as opportunities for the improvement (Part 3.3 of the QA Report „Assessment of the
situation and guidelines“) and the updates of the content of study programme (Part. 3.4
of the QA Report). Therefore experts recommend rethinking the logic of the QA Manual
that in the future would provide clear connections between the results of analyses,
measures planned and implemented and achieved results. The cycle of PDCA (Plan-DoCheck-Act) should be present on the level of programme and lead to continuous
enhancement of studies.
Faculty collect a lot of feedback through informal forms, interviews, focus groups that are
not presented in the SER. This feedback should be properly formalized and included in the
SER in a manner that reflects the formal findings and consequently leads to appropriate
remediation. Informal feedback received by faculty in individual or group interviews with
stakeholders should be formalized in the form of notes/minutes. The validity of a large
amount of informal feedback should be reflected in the SER as qualitative feedback and
lead to appropriate action.
Feedback from various student surveys - especially subject specific assessments - should
be shared and discussed with students. There is a need to establish an appropriate system
for student feedback on surveys, as the current percentage of respondents is too low to
provide adequate feedback to realistically assess student satisfaction with faculty work and
The findings are divided into strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.
The SER review from 2015/16 to 2019/20 shows progress and implementation of relevant
changes that have eliminated or adequately reduced weaknesses, as well as the realization
of opportunities for improvement. Nevertheless, several weaknesses and opportunities for
improvement are repeated from year to year. The findings based on the student survey
results do not allow for direct changes to the program of study or curriculum. The SER
includes updates to the study program. The methodology and aspects on the basis of which
the study program is evaluated and updated are presented, but the methodology does not
include the results of feedback from various stakeholders of the study program (students,
employers, mentors in practice, graduates, project partners). The changes are present to
curricula and programs of study (example: change in electives, change in teaching modes,
change in assessment methods) from 2017/18 to 2019/20 with a detailed definition of the
change and a rationale for the change. However, nowhere is it explained on the basis of
which self-evaluation findings these changes were prepared. It is not clear from the report
that changes are to be made to the program and curricula as part of the quality loop, as
there is no clear and transparent link between the assessment of the situation and the
guidelines in the self-evaluation report and the content of the changes to the curricula and
program. Based on the findings, the quality loop is not closed.This is partly in contradiction
with Article 12 of the SQAA criteria, Standard 6, which states that the internal quality
assurance system shall enable the closing of the quality loop in all areas of operation of a
higher education institution. The Faculty needs to establish a system in which there is a
transparent closed quality loop, i.e. the findings based on feedback from all stakeholders
in the study program need to be reflected in the justifications for changes to the study
program and the curricula. The action plan must also reflect the activities that will enable
changes to the program and curricula.
The faculty does not have established internal procedures for determining the quality of
administrative staff and establishing professional goals and performance indicators. Before
establishing such a system, it would be essential to sensitize staff to quality assurance
goals and the organization's strategy for raising the level of quality culture. The Faculty
should develop an action plan for the development of the personal career of professionals
and their continuous professional development and training.
The faculty must regulate the adequacy of student opinions in habilitation processes.
Faculty The student statements in habilitation procedures are not reviewed in terms of
content and quality. Student statements are the same in text and content for all
candidates. In an interview with students, we found that the student president receives an
email asking for a student opinion to which he responds, without further review or
exchange of opinions with other students, that it is equally positive for all applications and
for all candidates, which means that students do not form their own independent
statements.The faculty should present appropriate measures for the transparency of
student opinions in habilitation procedures.
Improve the formal process for filing student complaints to better inform students of this
possibility and the process itself.
A group of SAQQ experts especially welcome the approach to the optimal 50% / 50% ratio
between research and educational work of academic staff. This enables the successful and
efficient transfer of scientific knowledge into the study process.
A group of SAQQ experts that the faculty and UNG can eliminate the identified partially
complies with quality standards. At the same time, the faculty must present appropriate
measures to realize opportunities for improvement.