Report summary
Smart city management is an attractive, niche study program whose potential has not yet
been fully exploited. It is aligned with trends and policies in the world and the EU, perhaps
a bit too broad and not sufficiently profiled. The field of smart city management is growing
and developing rapidly, so a specialization in one of the narrower subfields might be
welcome. It also lacks international recognition, which could guarantee a larger number of
students. The online implementation of the study program is well organized, and students
express great satisfaction. The material conditions for implementation are also adequate.
Otherwise, students are involved in various application projects and content, which enables
them to get to know theoretical models in practice. They also express satisfaction with
professional excursions, which are voluntary and not everyone participates. Greater
involvement of students in research work and the introduction of more visiting lecturers
and guests from practice were also suggested. Students' awareness of survey results is
very good, but they do not respond to invitations to fill out surveys. Therefore, it would be
good to find ways to inform them about the importance of providing feedback, even in a
formal form, and to motivate them to do so.