Report summary
IEDC offers the second degree program in management. In terms of content and delivery,
the program is based on established MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs.
It is characterized by motivated students who bring a lot of individual business experience
to the classroom. The implementation of the program is largely linked to business practice
through the implementation of real-world projects and the use of case studies. The diverse
national structure of students and faculty and the collaboration with foreign companies also
give the program a strong international dimension.
Although the small size of the school makes it understandable to some extent that certain
processes take place at an informal level, it is nevertheless necessary for IEDC, as a
national-accredited institution, to formalize certain processes and bring them in line with
the requirements of national legislation and the requirements of NAKVIS. It is important
that program delivery is consistent with the accredited state and that caurses are delivered
by habilitated professors. Enrollment requirements, program goals, learning objectives,
and learning outcomes must be known in advance and publicly disclosed. Program selfevaluation must be systematic, thorough, and involve the broadest possible range of
stakeholders. Tenured faculty members are heavily burdened with pedagogical work, which
is reflected in their low levels of research activity.