Report summary
The group of experts appointed by decision no. 6034-6/2023/2 visited the institution
(Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana) on 4 April 2023. A group of experts
harmonized the content of the expert opinion and prepared a joint evaluation report in the
evaluation process of the third-level study program "Law" of the Faculty of Law of the
University of Ljubljana on the fulfillment of the criteria for the accreditation of the study
program and formulated the key findings of the causal evaluation as follows:
● The Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana regularly evaluates the study
program (Self-evaluation of the study program, SEP) is regularly carried out in
accordance with the guidelines and rules of the University of Ljubljana and is
reviewed at the relevant bodies of the faculty and the university). Furthermore, the
content of the program it is regularly updated (individually) to ensure its
composition and implementation in accordance with potential externalities
(COVID-19). The third level program is generally academically sophisticated in
terms of content and the academic staff, traditional and recognized and effective in
providing suitable highly educated graduates.
● Updating the content of the study program is left to the individual approach of the
academic staff(on their own initiative or upon request), who regularly update the
content and literature by incorporating current research and practice.
● With the help of the surveys, data is obtained appropriately regarding the
adequacy of the implementation of the study program and the method and form
of pedagogical work and their workload. The satisfaction of students and academic
staff is carried out through a survey or annual conversations with the faculty
● The number of contact hours is adjusted to the number of enrolled students. Except
for one common course (Theory of Law and Methodology of Legal Research), the
other optional courses are individualized and are carried out to a limited extent. The
appropriate workload for students and the possibilities for their progress through
the program have been determined, which the faculty regularly monitors.
● The achieved competences of the students are in line with the expected
competences of the program, which is demonstrated by the final product - a
doctoral dissertation (scientific monograph).
● Knowledge is tested in an oral form, which is supplemented by written
assessments and is left to the autonomy of the academic staff. Enrollment,
transition and completion of studies are analyzed accordingly. The study is
individualized and contains a sufficient information base and support from the
support staff.
● Determining the needs in the environment is carried out by involving stakeholders,
who do not cooperate with the faculty on an institutional level and systematized,
but on an ad hoc basis.
● The achievement of scientific and professional work is verified by the publications
themselves and by participation in research projects or projects that are
implemented through practice. The collection of information and proposals is based
on questionnaires filled out by doctoral students.
● The vast majority of all doctoral students are also employed at the faculty (mostly
as teaching staff). Students of the doctoral program have the opportunity to
participate directly in the work of bodies at the faculty (Senate of the Faculty of Law
(all employees participate)). Students also have a representative in the Commission
for Doctoral Studies, which is why the group of experts notes that students are
adequately informed about the possibility of changing and analyzing the study
● All acts relating to the evaluation of the study program are published accordingly.
Stakeholders are adequately informed (individually or through online publications)
about the findings, the implementation of tasks and the findings of the SEP.
● Professional support services regularly provide information to the doctoral students
(also on an individual basis).
● The faculty did not realize the transformation of the doctoral study, nevertheless
this is based on its own findings from the reports (that the study program has an
inadequate design). From the beginning of its implementation until today, the
assessed study program has not undergone major systemic changes, except that
the duration of the studies is extended from three to four years (in the academic
year 2019/2020).
● The study program is distinctly segmented into the operation of individual
departments (9), which cover traditional legal disciplines within the Faculty of Law
of the University of Ljubljana. The latter offer a choice of 13 modules as part of
doctoral studies, also from the areas of traditional legal disciplines. The current
range of optional modules does not offer interdisciplinary modules linking different
legal disciplines. Fragmentation is also a consequence of the fact that there are
not enough students enrolled in individual modules to carry out group
● The scientific and research involvement of doctoral students differs depending on
students who are employed at the faculty's chairs and those who are employed
outside the faculty.
● The support of non-teaching staff to doctoral students is fully adapted to the needs
of doctoral students, both their working hours and obligations. Communication
takes place via email and phone as well as the faculty's website.
● The Faculty of Law conducts doctoral studies at appropriate premises, which are
equipped with suitable equipment that meets the needs of pedagogical, scientificresearch and professional work. Adequate and stable financial resources are
provided for the implementation and development of higher education activities at
all levels of study programs.
● Active participation in the study process is possible for all students with various
forms of disability, as the learning environment is supported by appropriate e-tools
(e.g. online classrooms), and the faculty premises are also adapted for persons with
● The doctoral study program is promoted at special presentation events and
through the academic staff, who invite students whom they consider to be
promising to enroll in the assessed study program. Thus, only graduates of the
Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana are currently enrolled in the program,
with a few individual exceptions of doctoral students who come from other