Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
11/04/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesInstitute of Robotics “Saint Apostle and Gospeller Mathew” - Application of the principles and methods of cybernetics in different fields of science (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
11/04/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesInstitute of Information and Communication Technologies - Application of the principles and methods of cybernetics in different fields of science (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
11/04/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesInstitute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering - Application of the principles and methods of cybernetics in different fields of science (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesForest Research Institute - Forest Management and Taxation (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesForest Research Institute - Forestry (including Dendrology) (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesForest Research Institute - Forest Cultures, Selection and Seed Production (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesForest Research Institute - Forest Meliorations, Forest Protection and Special Uses in Forests (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesAgricultural University – Plovdiv - General Agriculture (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesUniversity of Forestry - Animal Surgery, Roentgenology and Physiotherapy (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - High Voltage Technology (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Technique of Labour Safety and Fire Equipment (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 20/06/2024 changed 20/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Electrical Networks and Systems (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Lighting Equipment and Light Sources (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Electrical Engineering Materials and Cable Equipment (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Electrical Devices (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Electrical Technologies (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Power Supply and Electrical Equipment (of Industry, of Transport) (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTechnical University of Sofia - Power Plants and Substations (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesBulgarian Air Force Academy "Georgi Benkovski" - Dolna Mitropolia - Aircraft Production Technology (third cycle degree)Bulgaria
28/03/2024 uploaded 19/06/2024 changed 19/06/2024NEAA Programme accreditation, including accreditation of professional fields, majors from the regulated professions and doctoral programmesTodor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport - Theoretical bases of communication technology (third cycle degree)Bulgaria