Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
07/09/2022 - 07/09/2028 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Science - Grado en QuÃmica (first cycle degree)Spain
07/09/2022 - 07/09/2028 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Humanities and Communication - Grado en Historia y Patrimonio (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Biology - Grado en BiologÃa (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering - Máster Universitario en Gestión Forestal basada en Ciencia de Datos. Forest Management based on Data Science (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestales (third cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Science and Technology - Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en Arquitectura (third cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Polytechnic School - Máster Universitario en Gestión y Análisis de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos: Big Data (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Polytechnic School - Grado en Arquitectura Técnica (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Sciences - Grado en FÃsica (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud (third cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Polytechnic School - Grado en IngenierÃa Informática (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Translation and Information Science - Grado en Información y Documentación (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en IngenierÃa Industrial (third cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)University of Valladolid Doctorate School - Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia e IngenierÃa Agroalimentaria y de Biosistemas (third cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Social Sciences - Máster Universitario en Comunicación Audiovisual: Investigación e Innovación (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2027 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Higher Technical School of Architecture - Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectura (first cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Science and Technology - Máster Universitario en Análisis Inteligente de Datos Masivos (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Law - Máster Universitario en Estrategias Anticorrupción y PolÃticas de Integridad (second cycle degree)Spain
28/09/2021 - 28/09/2025 uploaded 02/05/2024 changed 02/05/2024ACSUCYL Renewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)Faculty of Law and Economics - Máster Universitario en Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos (second cycle degree)Spain