Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
25/09/2018 - 30/09/2025 uploaded 11/05/2022 changed 11/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBeuth University of Applied Sciences - Architektur (first cycle degree)Germany
25/09/2018 - 30/09/2025 uploaded 11/05/2022 changed 11/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBeuth University of Applied Sciences - Architektur (second cycle degree)Germany
23/09/2019 - 30/09/2026 uploaded 11/05/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyPhilipps University of Marburg - Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte (second cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 23/09/2023 uploaded 10/05/2022 changed 10/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyAachen University - Lehramt an Berufskollegs (first cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2023 uploaded 10/05/2022 changed 10/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyAachen University - Lehramt an Berufskollegs (second cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2023 uploaded 10/05/2022 changed 10/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyAachen University - Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (second cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2023 uploaded 10/05/2022 changed 10/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyAachen University - Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 09/05/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rulesUniversity of Lübeck - Medical Microtechnology (second cycle degree)Germany
25/06/2019 - 30/09/2024 uploaded 06/05/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyGerman University of Cooperative Education for Sport and Health - Prävention und Bewegungstherapie in Lebenswelten (first cycle degree)Germany
24/09/2019 - 30/09/2026 uploaded 06/05/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyPhilipps University of Marburg - Klassische Archäologie/Christliche und Byzantinische Archäologie (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2018 - 30/09/2025 uploaded 06/05/2022 changed 06/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyPhilipps University of Marburg - Economics and Institutions (second cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2022 uploaded 04/05/2022 changed 18/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rulesEvangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit, Dresden (FH) - Bildung und Erziehung in der Kindheit mit religionspädagogischem Profil (first cycle degree)Germany
26/09/2017 - 30/09/2022 uploaded 04/05/2022 changed 18/05/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rulesEvangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit, Dresden (FH) - Evangelische Religionspädagogik (second cycle degree)Germany
24/09/2018 - 30/09/2023 uploaded 30/04/2022 changed 30/04/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rulesPhilipps University of Marburg - Physik (first cycle degree)Germany
27/03/2018 - 30/09/2023 uploaded 27/04/2022 changed 27/04/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in Germany, pre-2018 rulesHannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Soziale Arbeit (berufsbegleitend) (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences - Graphic Design and Visual Communication (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences - Interior Design (ein- und zweijährige Variante, 60 und 120 ECTS) (second cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences - Architektur (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences - Interior Architecture / Interior Design (Innenarchitektur) (first cycle degree)Germany
01/10/2021 - 30/09/2029 uploaded 25/04/2022 changed 28/12/2022ACQUIN Programme accreditation in GermanyBAU International Berlin University of Applied Sciences - Interior Architecture / Interior Design (Innenarchitektur) (second cycle degree)Germany