Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
01/06/2023 - 01/06/2027 uploaded 01/06/2023 changed 01/06/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesAlfonso X El Sabio University - MU en TecnologÃa Educativa y Competencias Digitales Docentes de la UAX (second cycle degree)Spain
20/07/2016 - 20/07/2022 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSan Pablo-CEU University - Programa de Doctorado en Humanidades para el Mundo Contemporáneo por la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU; la Universidad San Pablo-CEU y la Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (third cycle degree)Spain
06/06/2018 - 06/06/2024 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesHigher Polytechnic School - Máster Universitario en Tratamiento de Imágenes y Visión Artificial, Europeo / Master in Image Processing and Computer Vision, European por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem y Université de Bordeaux (third cycle degree)Spain
11/07/2017 - 11/07/2023 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesCarlos III University of Madrid - Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales / Social Sciences por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (third cycle degree)Spain
21/03/2017 - 21/03/2023 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFaculty of Health Sciences - Programa de Doctorado en BiologÃa Regenerativa y Nuevas Terapias por la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (third cycle degree)Spain
18/05/2020 - 18/05/2026 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesHigher School of Telecommunications Engineers - Grado en IngenierÃa y Sistemas de Datos (first cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2021 - 29/04/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSchool of Architecture, Engineering and Design - Máster Universitario en Diseño Gráfico Digital (second cycle degree)Spain
19/11/2021 - 19/11/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFaculty of Medicine - Máster Universitario en PsicologÃa JurÃdica y Forense (second cycle degree)Spain
16/09/2021 - 16/09/2027 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesHigher Polytechnic School - Grado en Matemáticas Aplicadas (first cycle degree)Spain
21/05/2022 - 21/05/2026 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFaculty of Physical Activity and Sport - Máster Universitario en EcografÃa Musculoesquelética y Procedimientos Ecoguiados (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2021 - 29/04/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSchool fo Arts and Performances TAI - Máster Universitario en Creación de Animación Audiovisual / Master in Audiovisual Animation (second cycle degree)Spain
11/03/2021 - 11/03/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSchool of Architecture, Engineering and Design - Máster Universitario en Industria 4.0: Transformación y Estrategia Digital (second cycle degree)Spain
11/03/2021 - 11/03/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSchool of Architecture, Engineering and Design - Máster Universitario en LogÃstica (second cycle degree)Spain
26/04/2021 - 26/04/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesSchool of Architecture and Technology - Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad (second cycle degree)Spain
29/04/2021 - 29/04/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesCamilo José Cela University - Máster Universitario en Diseño Gráfico (second cycle degree)Spain
22/01/2021 - 22/01/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesAlfonso X El Sabio University - Máster Universitario en NeuropsicologÃa Educativa (second cycle degree)Spain
11/04/2019 - 11/04/2025 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFaculty of Health Sciences - Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética (first cycle degree)Spain
22/07/2021 - 22/07/2027 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFaculty of Education and Health Sciences - Programa de Doctorado en Educación y TecnologÃa (third cycle degree)Spain
15/12/2016 - 15/12/2022 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesFrancisco de Vitoria University - Programa de Doctorado en Humanidades: Historia, FilosofÃa y Estética (third cycle degree)Spain
09/06/2016 - 09/06/2022 uploaded 03/03/2023 changed 03/03/2023madri+d Validation (ex-ante accreditation) of official degree programmesNebrija University - Programa de Doctorado en LingüÃstica Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas (third cycle degree)Spain