Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
01/07/2024 uploaded 23/10/2024 changed 23/10/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsInstitut national supérieur des sciences agronomiques, de l'alimentation et de l'environnementFrance
10/07/2024 uploaded 15/10/2024 changed 15/10/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole spéciale d'architectureFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des arts décoratifsFrance
14/03/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of New CaledoniaFrance
14/02/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsCôte d'Azur UniversityFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsConservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de ParisFrance
04/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-La VilletteFrance
29/02/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of ToursFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des beaux-artsFrance
10/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-Val de SeineFrance
27/02/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of French PolynesiaFrance
04/04/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsAix-Marseille UniversityFrance
12/03/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of Corsica Pascal PaoliFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure de création industrielleFrance
25/03/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of OrléansFrance
15/07/2024 uploaded 24/07/2024 changed 24/07/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsÉcole nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du sonFrance
08/11/2023 uploaded 17/01/2024 changed 17/01/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of LorraineFrance
22/11/2023 uploaded 17/01/2024 changed 17/01/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversité Polytechnique Hauts-de-FranceFrance
29/11/2023 uploaded 17/01/2024 changed 17/01/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of BurgundyFrance
05/12/2023 uploaded 17/01/2024 changed 17/01/2024HCERES Evaluation of French higher education institutionsUniversity of Franche-ComtéFrance