University of the Basque Country

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Universidad del Páis Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Basic information

National External Quality Assurance Requirements

External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions

Institutional level

Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Economics and Business
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Education and Sport
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Economics and Business
Decision: positive

Programme level

Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Control in Smartgrids and Distributed Generation (second cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Creation and Design (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Creación y Diseño
    • Sorkuntza eta Diseinuko
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Criminology (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Criminología
    • Kriminologiako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Democratic Society, State and Law (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Gizarte Demokratikoa, Estatua eta Zuzenbidea
    • Sociedad Democrática, Estado y Derecho
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Masterra
    • Máster
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Dentistry (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Odontología
    • Odontologiako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Development and International Cooperation (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Garapena eta Nazioarteko Lankidetza
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Development Studies (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economic Integration (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Integrazio Ekonomikoa
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economic Integration (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economics (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Economía
    • Ekonomiako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economics (first cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economics: Economic Analysis Tools (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ekonomia: Ekonomia Analisirako Tresnak
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ekonomia: Aplikazio Enpirikoak eta Politika
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Economics: Tools of Economic Analysis (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Education: School, Language and Society (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Electrical Engineering (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ingeniaritza Elektrikoko
    • Ingeniería Eléctrica
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Gradua
    • Grado
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Electrical Engineering (first cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Electronic Engineering (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Industria Elektronikaren eta Automatikaren Ingeniaritzako
    • Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Gradua
    • Grado
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Embedded Systems Engineering (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Sistema Txertatuen Ingeniaritza
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Engineering of Materials and Sustainable Processes (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by