University of the Basque Country

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Universidad del Páis Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Basic information

National External Quality Assurance Requirements

External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions

Institutional level

Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Economics and Business
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Engineering - Gipuzkoa
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Education and Sport
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work
Decision: positive
IQAS Audit, Faculty of Economics and Business
Decision: positive

Programme level

This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Participation and Community Development (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Partaidetza eta Komunitate-Garapena
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Masterra
    • Máster
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Pedagogy (first cycle degree)
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Pedagogy (first cycle degree)
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Pharmacology (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Pharmacology, Development, Evaluation and Rational Use of Medicines (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Farmakologia. Medikamenduen Garapena, Balioespena eta Erabilera Arrazionala
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Pharmacy (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Farmacia
    • Farmaziako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philology (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Filología
    • Filologiako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philology (first cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    first cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philosophy (first cycle degree)
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philosophy (first cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philosophy in a Global World (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Mundu Globalerako Filosofia
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Philosophy, Science and Values (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Filosofía, Ciencia y Valores
    • Filosofia, Zientzia eta Balioak
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Phisolophy: Science, Society, Technology (second cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Photovoltaic Devices and Systems (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Dispositivos y Sistemas Fotovoltaicos
    • Gailu eta Sistema Fotovoltaikoak
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
    • Jarduera Fisikoa eta Kirola Zientzietako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
    • Jarduera Fisikoaren eta Kirolaren Zientziak
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Máster
    • Masterra
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (first cycle degree)
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physics (first cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Física
    • Fisikako
  • Qualification/award
    • Bachelor
    • Grado
    • Gradua
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF level 6)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
This report is not currently valid but part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physics Engineering (second cycle degree)
  • Other names
    • Ingeniaritza Fisikoa
    • Ingeniería Física
  • Qualification/award
    • Master
    • Masterra
    • Máster
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF level 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by
Part of the obligatory external QA system Decision: positive
Physics of Nanostructures and Advanced Materials (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
  • Offered by