Institute for Community-oriented Further Education

Institut für gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung

Basic information

National External Quality Assurance Requirements

  • Programme accreditation
    voluntary, except for medical and health professions according to public health regulations
  • Institutional accreditation
    Institutional accreditation according to Swiss law, with a decision by the Swiss Accreditation Council, is mandatory for all public higher education institutions of the tertiary sector and for private higher education institutions using a protected denomination (“University”, “University of Applied Sciences”, “ University of Teacher Education“). Successful accreditation has no legal impact beyond the right to use one of the protected denominations but is a testimony to a quality assurance systems covering all processes and suited to support the higher education institution to achieve its goals.
  • Further information on external quality assurance in Switzerland

External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions

Provider level

Decision: positive
Institutional and programme accreditation
  • DEQAR Report ID
  • Agency
  • Type
    Institutional and programme accreditation
  • Status
  • Formal decision
  • Date
  • Valid until
  • Summary
    The Institut für Gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung (IGW) in Zurich, Switzerland, is an Alternative/Other Provider of higher theological education. The purpose of the review is the accreditation of the institution and of three programmes delivered by distance and online education, comparable to an EQF level 6 (First Cycle) programme (of 180 ECTS credits), an EQF l...
  • Notes
    The First Cycle programme is also offered in Germany under the nomenclature Studium Praktische Theologie in respect of German regulations.
  • Report and decision
  • Permalink
  • External link
  • Verifiable Credential

Learning opportunity/credential level

Decision: positive
Bachelor of Arts in Praktischer Theologe (CH) / Studium Praktische Theologie (DE) (first cycle other provision, 180 ECTS)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    first cycle (NQF 6)
  • Programme type
    Other provision
  • Workload (in ECTS credits)
  • Assessment and certification
    Assessment based certificate
  • Learning outcomes
    (information not provided)
  • Field of study
  • DEQAR Report ID
  • Agency
  • Type
    Institutional and programme accreditation
  • Status
  • Formal decision
  • Date
  • Valid until
  • Summary
    The Institut für Gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung (IGW) in Zurich, Switzerland, is an Alternative/Other Provider of higher theological education. The purpose of the review is the accreditation of the institution and of three programmes delivered by distance and online education, comparable to an EQF level 6 (First Cycle) programme (of 180 ECTS credits), an EQF l...
  • Notes
    The First Cycle programme is also offered in Germany under the nomenclature Studium Praktische Theologie in respect of German regulations.
  • Report and decision
  • Permalink
  • External link
  • Verifiable Credential
Decision: positive
Master of Advanced Studies in Missionalem Gemeindebau (second cycle other provision, 84 ECTS)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF 7)
  • Programme type
    Other provision
  • Workload (in ECTS credits)
  • Assessment and certification
    Assessment based certificate
  • Learning outcomes
    (information not provided)
  • Field of study
  • DEQAR Report ID
  • Agency
  • Type
    Institutional and programme accreditation
  • Status
  • Formal decision
  • Date
  • Valid until
  • Summary
    The Institut für Gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung (IGW) in Zurich, Switzerland, is an Alternative/Other Provider of higher theological education. The purpose of the review is the accreditation of the institution and of three programmes delivered by distance and online education, comparable to an EQF level 6 (First Cycle) programme (of 180 ECTS credits), an EQF l...
  • Notes
    The First Cycle programme is also offered in Germany under the nomenclature Studium Praktische Theologie in respect of German regulations.
  • Report and decision
  • Permalink
  • External link
  • Verifiable Credential
Decision: positive
Master of Advanced Studies in Theologie (second cycle other provision, 60 ECTS)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF 7)
  • Programme type
    Other provision
  • Workload (in ECTS credits)
  • Assessment and certification
    Assessment based certificate
  • Learning outcomes
    (information not provided)
  • Field of study
  • DEQAR Report ID
  • Agency
  • Type
    Institutional and programme accreditation
  • Status
  • Formal decision
  • Date
  • Valid until
  • Summary
    The Institut für Gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung (IGW) in Zurich, Switzerland, is an Alternative/Other Provider of higher theological education. The purpose of the review is the accreditation of the institution and of three programmes delivered by distance and online education, comparable to an EQF level 6 (First Cycle) programme (of 180 ECTS credits), an EQF l...
  • Notes
    The First Cycle programme is also offered in Germany under the nomenclature Studium Praktische Theologie in respect of German regulations.
  • Report and decision
  • Permalink
  • External link
  • Verifiable Credential