- Hotelschool The Hague Hotelschool Den Haag Den Haag (Netherlands) Further location: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- HZ University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool Zeeland Vlissingen (Netherlands) Further location: Roosendaal (Netherlands)
- INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool INHOLLAND Den Haag (Netherlands) Further location: Rotterdam (Netherlands) Further location: Delft (Netherlands) Further location: Amsterdam (Netherlands) Further location: Haarlem (Netherlands)
- IPABO University of Professional Teacher Education Hogeschool IPABO Amsterdam (Netherlands) Further location: Alkmaar (Netherlands)
- Iselinge University of Professional Teacher Education Iselinge Hogeschool Doetinchem (Netherlands)
- Leiden University Universiteit Leiden Leiden (Netherlands) Further location: Den Haag (Netherlands)
- Maastricht University Universiteit Maastricht Maastricht (Netherlands) Further location: Venlo (Netherlands)
- Marnix Academy, University for Teacher Education Marnix Academie Utrecht (Netherlands)
- NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences NHL Stenden Hogeschool Leeuwarden (Netherlands) Further location: Groningen (Netherlands) Further location: Meppel (Netherlands) Further location: Emmen (Netherlands)
- Nyenrode Business University Nyenrode Business Universiteit Breukelen (Netherlands) Further location: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Open University of the Netherlands Open Universiteit Heerlen (Netherlands)
- Protestant Theological University Protestantse Theologische Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands), Kampen (Netherlands) Further location: Groningen (Netherlands)
- Radboud University Nijmegen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Nijmegen (Netherlands)
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Hogeschool Rotterdam Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- Royal Conservatory of The Hague (University of the Arts The Hague) (University of the Arts The Hague) Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag (Netherlands)
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences Saxion Hogeschool Enschede (Netherlands) Further location: Apeldoorn (Netherlands) Further location: Denventer (Netherlands)
- Stenden University of Applied Sciences Stenden Hogeschool Leeuwarden (Netherlands) Further location: Groningen (Netherlands) Further location: Meppel (Netherlands) Further location: Emmen (Netherlands)
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences De Haagse Hogeschool Den Haag (Netherlands) Further location: Delft (Netherlands)
- Theological University Apeldoorn Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn Apeldoorn (Netherlands)
- Thomas More Teacher Training Academy Thomas More Hogeschool Rotterdam (Netherlands)