EQAR General Assembly held in Madrid on 19 February 2010
EQAR members convened in Madrid on 19 February 2010 for the fourth General Assembly of the association. A new Executive Board was elected at the General Assembly for a 2-year mandate commencing as of 1 March 2010. The following candidates have been nominated and elected: Andrea Blättler (nominated by ESU), Emmi Helle (re-nominated by ENQA), Andreas Orphanides (re-nominated by EURASHE), Lesly Wilson (re-nominated by EUA)
Apart from the election of the Executive Board, a new Chair of the Register Committee as well as two new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2010. The new Chair, Kjell Frønsdal – Judge of the Gulating Court of Appeal in Bergen, Norway – was by-elected by the Register Committee on 6 January 2010 after the current Chair, Mr. Justice Bryan McMahon had indicated he was not available for a second mandate. The two new Register Committee members are Gertie de Fraeye and Mindaugas Misiunas.
Another important milestone was the approval of the Initial Plans for the External Evaluation of EQAR. Initial discussions on this subject had already started in September 2009 at the third General Assembly.