EQAR GA adopts Strategic Plan 2013-2017
At EQAR’s 7th General Assembly, held at Dublin Castle on 13 March 2013, members adopted the Strategic Plan for the years 2013-2017. This marks an important step to strengthen EQAR’s strategic role, as was recommended by the international expert panel that reviewed EQARin 2011.
EQAR’s two strategic goals for the coming years relate to “International Trust and Recognition of Registered QAA’s” and “Enhanced Transparency and Information Provision”. (Strategic Plan 2013-2017)
After the meeting a reception was held to celebrate EQAR’s fifth anniversary. The first Chair of the Register Committee, Mr Justice Bryan McMahon, addressed EQAR members and partners in a special congratulation speech, following congratulations by the Irish Department of Education and Skills as well as the European Commission.