BFUG endorses revised ESG (European Standards and Guidelines)
The Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) endorsed the proposal for the revised version of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).
The revised version can be used by higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies and other stakeholders to prepare the necessary changes. The revised ESG are subject to final approval by the EHEA Ministerial Conference in May 2015 in Yerevan (Armenia).
The EQAR Register Committee adopted a policy on transition to the revised ESGconcerning registration of quality assurance agencies. The policy aims to ensure that by 2020 all agencies on the Register will have been reviewed against the revised ESG.
Revised Version of the ESG [PDF, proposal endorsed by BFUG]
EQAR Policy on Transition to the Revised ESG [PDF]
More information on the revision process