8th EQAR General Assembly in Athens
EQAR members convened in Athens for the 8thGeneral Assembly of the organisation. The Annual Report 2013, including the Report of the Register Committee, was presented at the event and will be published on the EQARwebsite shortly.
The General Assembly approved the Work Plan 2014/215 of which the RIQAA project (Recognising International Quality Assurance Activity in the EHEA) is one of the main activities for 2014. The final dissemination conference of the project (and Members’ Dialogue) will take place in Rome in September 2014.
EQAR is also planning to co-organise regional peer-learning events on cross-border quality assurance in cooperation with national ministries. Ministries interested in co-hosting such an event are kindly requested to contact the EQAR Secretariat.
The General Assembly elected the following Executive Board for a two-year mandate:
- Fernando Galán Palomares (ESU)
- Maria Kelo (ENQA)
- Tia Loukkola (EUA)
- Andreas Orphanides (EURASHE)
A special word of thanks was given to Lesley Wilson who served on the EQAR Board since its foundation as well as to the other two outgoing board members Stefan Delplace and Allan Päll.
Four new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2014. Incoming members Olav Øye, Freddy Coignoul, Anita Līce, and Tibor Szanto will replace outgoing members Anca Prisacariu, Henrik Toft Jensen, Christoph Anz and Mala Singh – these last three having served on the Register Committee since 2008.