Máster Universitario en Textos de la Antigüedad Clásica y su Pervivencia
Faculty of Languages and Literature
ProgrammeMáster Universitario en Textos de la Antigüedad Clásica y su Pervivencia
Other names
- University Master’s Degree in Classical Ancient Texts and their Survival at the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid
- Máster Universitario en Textos de la Antigüedad Clásica y su Pervivencia
- University Master’s Degree in Classical Ancient Texts and their Survival at the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid
Levelsecond cycle (NQF level 7)
Programme typeFull recognised degree programme
DEQAR Report ID100723
TypeRenewal of accreditation of official degrees (ex-post accreditation)
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until16/11/2025
Report and decision
Agency's identifier31633
External link
Verifiable Credential
Education provider