European Commission report on quality assurance
The European Commission has today published a progress report on quality assurance in higher education, looking at progress made in external quality assurance at national and European level throughout the past three years.
The report is the first of a series of triennial reports foreseen by the 2006 Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council on further European cooperation in quality assurance. The recommendation supported the establishment of a European register of quality assurance agencies.
The Commission notes that “quality assurance is receiving a more and more solid foundation at the European level” and in its report acknowledges the founding of EQARas “the major new body in the European quality assurance architecture”.
The report underlines the importance of transparency in quality assurance as a basis for mutual trust and improved recognition of qualifications. It encourages EQAR to further its activities to facilitate transparency and trust in quality assurance as well as to support a stronger European dimension of quality assurance.
European Commission press release
Full report [PDF, 12 pages]